What’s On

Half Term Activities:

Half term activities. Wednesday 19 February 10 - 12pm and 1 - 3pm. Everyone is welcome. Drop in sessions. 13 years and under must be accompanies by and adult. Old Printworks arts, Radstock, BA£ 3EP. Ceramics and Fashion Museum engagement pop up with pizza
Wednesday 19 February

Term Time programme:

Old Printworks Arts Radstock. What's On 24 February until 4 April. Mondy 9.30am M/Others Landscape Painting. wednesday M/Others 9.30am Printmaking. 10am Men(d) practical meet up for men. Thursday3.30pm Creative kids Club after school crafting
24 February – 4 April

Sunday Socials are not running until further notice

Old Printworks Arts. M/Others Monday 9.30am - 11.30am. Landscape Painting. Learn and practise landscape painting and painting natural spaces with acrylics, with local artist Jo Slade. Free drop-ins for parents / carers of pre-schoolers. Children are supervised so adults enjoy creative me-time. Waterloo Road Radstock BA3 3EP
Old Printworks Arts. M/Others Wednesday 9.30am - 11.30am. Celebrating nature through print. Free drop-ins for parents / carers of pre-schoolers. Children are supervised so adults enjoy creative me-time. Waterloo Road Radstock BA3 3EP
Men(d) practical meet up for men. Wednesdays 10am until 2pm at Old Printworks Arts in Radstock. Free teas, coffee and good food. Helping bring derelict ground into productive use. Waterloo road, Radstock, BA3 3 EP behind Radstock Museum
Creative Kids Club. Thursday 3.30pm - 5pm. Free, drop in after school activities with a healthy snack. Old Printworks Arts Radstock

Term Times
22 April – 23 May
2 June – 13 July

Community Thread The Reef. Thursday 27 February and 6 March 10 - 2pm at The Spot. Sewing and textile crafting

Automation Week 4, 5, 6, 7 March 10 until 2pm. Join our pop up robot lab for a week of collaborative learning, making and testing robots!

15 March

Youth provision, Progressive routes and Opportunities


Do you want to develop your music skills? Learn a new instrument? Make progress on guitar? For ages 16-25 years, liv8ng in the Somer Valley and not currently in work or education
One to one music tuition available to visit you at home

Contact for more information. Email: radstockfolkclub@gmail.com

Old Printworks Arts – Radstock
Waterloo Road, BA3 3EP

Where to find us

Behind the Radstock Museum
Continue past Radstock Museum on your left. Just beyond the Mane Hair and Trinity’s Beauty Salon, we have a small, free carpark.
Additional parking can be found opposite us on Waterloo Road, which is free, but you need to display a ticket.

We encourage you to use public transport and other modes of green transport where possible e.g. lift shares and cycling. Public Transport: The nearest bus stops are outside Victoria Hall and the Co-op on The Street. The 172, 173 and 174 to and from Bath, Midsomer Norton, Wells and Bristol and the D2x to and from Frome all stop here.

Follow the green arrows to find us from Victoria Hall Bus stop / Coop

Link to Old Printworks Arts on Google Maps

Logos for Partners Arts Council England, Bath Spa University, Creativity Works , Bath and North East Somerset and West of England Combines Authority